CBD (cannabidiol) is THC's (tetrahydrocannabinol) little cousin. It is the second largest compound found in Cannabis and the largest found in Hemp (we carry the Hemp variety). It is extremely powerful in terms if how it reacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the human body. The best part about CBD, for many, is that it is completely inert. It does not have any psychoactive properties, in other words, it wont get you "high" like THC does, and it has absolutely no addictive qualities. Sound like the perfect pain relief solution for the 21st century no? We agree.
Like THC, CBD can be consumed in many different ways and it just takes a bit of experimentation to figure out what works for you. There are tincture droppers and sprays that are sublingual (under the tongue), capsules and edibles that are taken orally, oils and e-juices that are vaped and many different creams, balms, soaps and oils that are used topically.
Whatever your symptoms, whatever your needs, CBD Dreams has what you need from this powerful compound.